A virtual international conference on redefining and transforming the role of higher education in sustainable development

Samvakti Journal of Research in Business Management
Samvakti Journal of Research in Information Technology
Paper Acceptance Status: 
Papers are not accepted now
Start Date: 
September 30, 2021
End Date: 
September 30, 2021
An Overview of Smart Home System Based on Internet of Things
Intelligent house technology has come a long way been more popular They have become more popular in fresh periods since they increase convenience and excellence of lifetime....
Mr Manoj Kumar Ojha
Published at: December 11, 2021
The Intelligent Garbage Detection and Alert System
Waste management is one of the world's most significant problems today, independent of rich or developing countries. One of the most frequent issues occurs when waste...
Dr Sarbananda Sahoo
Published at: December 11, 2021
Review on Social Entrepreneurship

This article examines the notion of ‘‘social entrepreneurship" in its widespread use from an analytic, critical, and creative standpoint, taking into account either the ‘‘social" and the ‘‘...

Sh. Sachin Gupta
Published at: December 12, 2021
Leadership Aspirations, Administration of Perception and Attitude
Although charisma is a critical component of transformative leadership, there are currently no reliable methods of forecasting leaders charm in an administrative settings,...
Sh. Sachin Gupta
Published at: December 12, 2021
A Look into The Future of the Online Platform
The internet has changed the world of computers and communication, like nothing else. Telegraphs, telephones, radios and computers all laid the scene for the incomparable...
Mr. Mrinal Paliwal
Published at: December 11, 2021
The Prospective and Internal Risks of the Internet
The Internet of Things (IoT), which includes household appliances and services, wear abilities, Houses and business structures, manufacturing Medical gadgets, law surveillance...
Sh. Sachin Gupta
Published at: December 11, 2021
The Role of Smartphone in The Future of Technology
The usage of the Internet has expanded in recent years with the advent of the World Wide Web. In this article, we show how current advances in technology lead to the creation...
Ms. Anuska Sharma
Published at: December 11, 2021
An Exploration of Sharing Files and Intellectual Property Rights
Property law has been substantially eroded as a result of the rise of document uploading. Those who swap songs, videos, novels, and video games now account for up to 60% of...
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Singh
Published at: December 12, 2021
The Cyber Bullying Preventative Measures
Students' impressions of the efficacy of various harassment prevention measures were studied in this research. According to the results, the data was gathered via a...
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Singh
Published at: December 11, 2021
Impact of Social Media on the Film Industry
Nowadays, most filmmakers are aggressively promoting films that utilize social media to broaden their audience's awareness of particular films. Only a few studies have looked...
Sh. Sachin Gupta
Published at: December 11, 2021
