A virtual international conference on redefining and transforming the role of higher education in sustainable development

Samvakti Journal of Research in Business Management
Samvakti Journal of Research in Information Technology
Paper Acceptance Status: 
Papers are not accepted now
Start Date: 
September 30, 2021
End Date: 
September 30, 2021
A Brief Description on Optimization Techniques
The optimization of large-scale issues is fraught with challenges. Multi-modality, dimensionality, and differentiability are the main challenges. Traditional methods often...
Mr Madhav Singh Solanki
Published at: December 11, 2021
An Analysis of Several Concepts of Virtualisation
The abstraction of computer resources is referred to as virtualisation. The goal of a computing environment which is virtual is to enhance source efficiency with supplying...
Ms. Anuska Sharma
Published at: December 11, 2021
An Analysis of Network Virtualisation
Changes to existing Internet is now restricted to modest increasing upgrades due to the presence of numerous parties with competing objectives and rules; adoption of any novel...
Mr. Swapnil Raj
Published at: December 11, 2021
An Analysis of Wireless Network Virtualisation
The overall expenses of constructing and managing a wireless network might be significantly reduced thanks to wireless network virtualization, which enables for the...
Mr. Mrinal Paliwal
Published at: December 15, 2021
An Analysis of Requirements, Opportunities, and Challenges of Wireless Network Virtualization
Wireless network virtualization (WNV) has piqued interest of academic and industrial researchers as one of most important technology in cellular network communication. With de...
Mr. Swapnil Raj
Published at: December 16, 2021
