Peer Review Process.

We follow the double-blind review process to approve and publish the research article. If you are new to Samvakti Journals, Create your Author’s Profile, the process of creating the author’s profile can be found here Process to create Author’s Profile

Once you have created your profile you can publish journals, research articles white papers, etc with us.
The publication process has been divided into Five stages. 

  1. Submitting of paper
    1. SUBMIT a Manuscript
  2. Make the payment.
  3. Preliminary acceptance of paper
    1. Technical Evaluation
    2. Plagiarism Check
  4. Review Process (Final Acceptance)
    1. Editing (Blind Peer Review 1)
    2. Review (Blind Peer review 2)
  5. Preparing Manuscript for publication
  6. Publish.
At all five stages, authors can check the status of their manuscript. Status can be checked at My Submitted Journals. apart from keeping the author informed, regular feedback is taken from them. This is to ensure the Work is done as per the expectation of the Author.

By submitting a Manuscript Author agrees to the disclaimer and license Agreement mentioned on the Manuscript Submission form.

Refund policy and Publication Charges in case of Manuscript is rejected by Samvakti Journals can be referred here

For details on the retraction / withdrawal / transparency policy can be found in the Author's Ethic Code.

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