A virtual international conference on redefining and transforming the role of higher education in sustainable development

Samvakti Journal of Research in Business Management
Samvakti Journal of Research in Information Technology
Paper Acceptance Status: 
Papers are not accepted now
Start Date: 
September 30, 2021
End Date: 
September 30, 2021
Displaying 1 - 10 of 25
A Study on Consumer Decision-Making Process
In recent years, research into consumer behavior and how they make decisions has progressed, and it has become a major topic in the marketing community and academia. This...
Dr Anubhav Soni
Published at: December 02, 2021
Secure Integration of IoT and Cloud Computing
Mobility Technique Is a fairly latest invention that relates to an information storage and processing architecture that is separate from the wireless phone. The IoT is a brand...
Dr.Kashif Qureshi
Published at: December 10, 2021
Analyzing The Density of Residents in Shanghai to Examine the Role of Big Data in the Development of Smart Cities
A significant amount of study has been done in recent decades to evaluate data from social networks based on the region in order to emphasize their applicability. This social...
Mr. Rishi Sikka
Published at: December 10, 2021
A Review Paper on Cloud Computer Architecture
Due to significant developments in processing and memory technology, as well as the number of web Users, computers are becoming less, better potent, but more generally...
Dr.Kashif Qureshi
Published at: December 11, 2021
A Review on Designing a Europe Wide Big Scale Pilot for the IoT in the Agriculture
The Internet of Things technologies have a lot of promise for use in the food and agricultural sector, particularly given the social and environmental problems that this...
Mr. N.N.Saxena
Published at: December 11, 2021
An Overview on Smart Farming - IoT in Agriculture
Internet of the Things is game changing technology that symbolizes future of the communications and computing’s. IoT is being utilized in a variety of fields, including smart...
Mr. Durgesh Nandan
Published at: December 11, 2021
A Study on the roles of IoT in the agriculture for smart farming implementations
The Internets of Thing (IoT) is a promising technique that may be used to modernize a multitude of industries at a low cost. Agriculture fields are being managed or monitored...
Dr. Ashok Kumar
Published at: December 11, 2021
An overview on IOT for Farming: Food Quality and Safety
Food is primary source of energy for the all living things, therefore foods quality or safety have always been in short supply through history of mankind. The Internets of...
Mr. N.N.Saxena
Published at: December 11, 2021
The ethics of cloud computing: A review
Virtualization is increasingly increasing traction in the business sector. By delivering on-demand digital access, it allows companies save the expenditure on equipment and IT...
Ms. Anuska Sharma
Published at: December 11, 2021
Study on the Sustainable Project Management
Among the most pressing concerns of our time is the need to address sustainability in ongoing projects, including financial, social, and sustainable development. As a result...
Sh Sachin Gupta
Published at: December 12, 2021
