Ethic Codes

Version : 1

Ethic Code for Reviewers

Peer-review is a critical part of the publishing a scholarly work, it ensure that work published is correct and are of high standards. Peer-review process works primarily on trust and displaying the ethical behavior. Reviewer should adhere to following practices while accepting the any work for review

Completing review process

Once manuscript is accepted by you, you will make sure the...

Version : 1

Ethic Code for Author


  • Authorship of research publication should be appropriately reflected in the Manuscript.
  • In-case of multiple contributors, before submitting the manuscript, authorship right and acknowledgement should be agreed.
  • Manuscript can be published by only one Author, name of other major contributor and less substantial / minor contributors can be mentioned in the Manuscript. This also...
Version : 1

Ethic Code for Editor

Publication decisions:

  • The editors are solely responsible for approving and/or disapproving the publication of scholarly article or journals. He should ensure that the decision is transparent and same is communicated to author. The factors affecting decision may be as below:
    • Importance of subject of paper being published in terms of research and research society
    • Legal requirements like libel...
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Ethic Code for Publisher

Local laws and regulations
We publish Manuscripts in many different countries/regions. it is our and our partner's responsibility to comply with local laws and regulations related to published works.

We keep the manuscript submitted confidential unless and until it is made available in the public domain based on the license opted(i.e. Open Access /...