Journals published by Samvakti Journals

International Research & Advancement in Microbiology and Biotechnology (iramb)

Journal of Current Research and Development in Agricultural Sciences (jcrdas)

Journal of Current Research and Innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences (jcrips)

Journal of Current Research and Innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal of Current Research and Innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences (jcrips)

Samvakti Journals are International Double Blind-Peer Reviewed Indexed journals,

For Journal of Current Research and Innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences we accepts the research papers, articles in the field of Pharmaceutical Science. it is a Multi-Disciplinary accepting research articles in the all field of pharmacology.

Indexed In : Crossref */* Google Scholar

Samvakti Journal of Research in Business Management (sjrbm)

Journal research business management publish paper samvakti Samvakti Journal of Research in Business Management (sjrbm)

Samvakti journals are international Double Blind-Peer Reviewed journals, we accepts the research papers, articles and journals in the field of business management. We publish journals in all fields of business management like organization Culture, Organization Behavior, Brand Management, Leadership and strategic planning etc.

Publication Starting Year(Online) : July 2020 ; ISSN (Online) : 2582-8347

Indexed In : Crossref */* Google Scholar */* Scientific Journal Impact Factor

Samvakti Journal of Research in Information Technology (sjrit)

Journal research information technology publish paper samvakti management Samvakti Journal of Research in Information Technology (sjrit)

Journals of Information Technology on Samvakti Journals are International double-blind peer-reviewed journals. We accept research papers, articles, journals, and strategic papers in the field of Information Technology like cyber security, IT Networking, Internet of Things, CRM, Digital Technologies etc.

Publication Starting Year(Online) : December 2020 ; ISSN (Online) : 2583-3979

Indexed In : Crossref */* Google Scholar */* Scientific Journal Impact Factor