Mr. Kamalesh Mistry

Assistant Professor
School of Pharmacy, Rai University Ahmedabad
Sarodha, Dholka
Ahmedabad Gujarat 382260
Mr. Kamalesh Mistry is an Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, Rai University, Ahmedabad, Guajrat. He has been teaching Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-I, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-II, Social and Preventive Pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice, HAP-II, Pharmaceutical Engineering in the last three years. He is also performing research works in pharma cognostical study and pharmacological evaluation of pterocarpus marsupium (robx) leaves. He has published 2 research and review papers in reputed international journal, published 04 book chapters and 02 books by different publishing houses. He has attended more than 40 works shops, FDP, seminars/conferences and presented research papers. He has patented 02 national patents in his name. He has passed M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy) from Jeypore college of Pharmacy, Odisha (BPUT) and Pursuing his PhD from Assam Down Town University.
Research Interest: 

Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Herbal Drug Technology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Chemistry, Microbiology, Medicinal Chemistry