The capability approach, by Amartya Sen, has laid the novel foundation in the field of Economics and measuring and evaluating the well-being in all the aspects of the human life. The nature of development of economics has moved towards its central feature of the process of...
In recent years, research into consumer behavior and how they make decisions has progressed, and it has become a major topic in the marketing community and academia. This study includes an exhaustive literature evaluation of educational papers in this domain of purchasing...
Customer engagement may be defined as engaging customers with a brand as well as with other customers. In recent years, term Customer engagement has emerged in both academic literature and practitioner discussions as a customer loyalty predictor towards brand that may be...
Nowadays, most filmmakers are aggressively promoting films that utilize social media to broaden their audience's awareness of particular films. Only a few studies have looked at marketing campaigns, social media site activity, movie appraisal, and movie viewing preferences....
Crypto currencies are a fascinating phenomenon around the globe. Rapidly increasing digital currencies continue to be a highly lucrative financial instrument, either for short-term profits on crypto currency exchanges or long-term benefits via asset investments. Another...