Conference Paper ID : sjrbm.2025.22 | Open Access

An initiative towards waste management: The Midway Journey

Priyangshu Paul | Angad Agarwal, | Harshit Dutta
Submission Date : February 22, 2025 Publication Date : March 19, 2025

Waste management is collection, transportation and disposal of garbage, sewage, and other waste products. Waste management is the process that deals with different kinds of waste and provides a numerous number of solutions to recycle items that do not belong to trash. The main purpose of waste management is to reduce the dangerous effect of waste on the environment and human health. The three R’s of waste management includes reduce, reuse, and recycle which is important for effective waste management.
Our Research paper aims on waste management by the NGOs with reference to The Midway Journey of Guwahati, Assam. It highlights the work done by The Midway Journey on the fields of waste management, their contributions towards the welfare of society and the awareness spread by them among the citizens and netizens.
The study implements the use of descriptive study methods, the study is based on interviewed data collected through schedule and the sampling technique used is convenience sampling technique.
The findings indicate that the waste management initiatives done by The Midway Journey an NGO of Guwahati, Assam and the various contributions they made and are making towards the welfare of our surrounding by organizing various waste management awareness programs in the schools, villages, etc, providing workshops and conducting more than 200 workshops and also initiated zero waste cleanup drives cum citizen training in waste management.
With reference to the findings above, it can be stated that The Midway Journey is doing excellent work for the environment and citizens. And they are taking various steps for betterment of nature and global warming.
Pain Text:
Priyangshu Paul, Angad Agarwal, , Harshit Dutta (2025), An initiative towards waste management: The Midway Journey. Samvakti Journal of Research in Business Management, 6(1) 105 - 113.