Publisher's Ethic Codes

Version : 1

Ethic Code for Publisher

Local laws and regulations
We publish Manuscripts in many different countries/regions. it is our and our partner's responsibility to comply with local laws and regulations related to published works.

We keep the manuscript submitted confidential unless and until it is made available in the public domain based on the license opted(i.e. Open Access / Paid Access). All our partners (Editorial and Reviewer Board members) and Employees also make sure that the same is accessible to the appropriate person as per need-to-know bases. Board member of Editor and Reviewer will never disclose or use the content of the Manuscript until it is published.

We do our best to publish the original research work. Any copy of a large amount of research work from another author's work and/or analysis of another author's work without their reference is not published. Any complaint received and/or any author's(even if the Author is the same research scholar) work found to be copied is removed if published (Following the COPE's Retraction Guidelines) or not published if still under review.

If authors are citing some other author's work, they should comply with the licensing policy of the original author.

Publication Decision
The publication decision of the Editor and Reviewer is final, the Editorial Office team or any employee/Staff member will not be part of the process.

Double-Blind review process
The publisher will make sure that during the review process, the identity of the Author is not revealed to either the editor or reviewer who is reviewing the Manuscript. Also, the publisher will make sure that the Author does not know the identity of the Member of the Editorial Board or the Reviewer Board reviewing the research work.

Complaints and Suggestions
Any partner(Author, Editor, and Reviewer) or any person accessing the website can reach out to us via our Contact Us page or by sending mail to us at We will revert in 5 working days.

In a scenario where an issue/query arises where a document/policy is not specified, COPE's policies are followed.