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Samvakti Journal of Research in Information Technology
Conference Paper -
Open Access
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Singh
Published On: December 11, 2021 Students' impressions of the efficacy of various harassment prevention measures were studied in this research. According to the results, the data was gathered via a countrywide electronic survey of teenagers. Depending on individual relationships with cybercrime, the 713 adolescents who... |
Conference Paper -
Open Access
Ms. Anuska Sharma
Published On: December 11, 2021 The usage of the Internet has expanded in recent years with the advent of the World Wide Web. In this article, we show how current advances in technology lead to the creation of a mobile code system and often mobile agents. In this connection, we are addressing some technological and non-technical... |
Conference Paper -
Open Access
Sh. Sachin Gupta
Published On: December 11, 2021 The Internet of Things (IoT), which includes household appliances and services, wear abilities, Houses and business structures, manufacturing Medical gadgets, law surveillance, army technology, and other relevant uses are all examples of this, may cover and integrate a range of linked items. "... |
Conference Paper -
Open Access
Mr. Mrinal Paliwal
Published On: December 11, 2021 The internet has changed the world of computers and communication, like nothing else. Telegraphs, telephones, radios and computers all laid the scene for the incomparable convergence of Internet capabilities. The Internet is a worldwide broadcasting capacity, an information distribution system and... |
Conference Paper -
Open Access
Dr Sarbananda Sahoo
Published On: December 11, 2021 Waste management is one of the world's most significant problems today, independent of rich or developing countries. One of the most frequent issues occurs when waste containers are fully overflowing before the following phase of cleaning starts. A smart waste disposal system is needed to avoid... |
Dissertation -
Open Access
Published On: October 29, 2020 The rise of fake news is a major concern to the society as media being influenced with wrong propaganda affecting the people negatively by making them believe wrong facts about an institution or organization causing harm to the image of the same. Fake news is considered to be the root cause of... |
Conference Paper -
Open Access
Published On: December 16, 2021 Wireless network virtualization (WNV) has piqued interest of academic and industrial researchers as one of most important technology in cellular network communication. With de coupling networks function of co-occurring virtual network, it is regarded as a pioneer in achieving efficient resource use... |
Conference Paper -
Open Access
Published On: December 10, 2021 Mobility Technique Is a fairly latest invention that relates to an information storage and processing architecture that is separate from the wireless phone. The IoT is a brand-new concept. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a comparatively recent networking technologies that is increasing popularity... |
Conference Paper -
Open Access
Published On: December 11, 2021 Internet of the Things is game changing technology that symbolizes future of the communications and computing’s. IoT is being utilized in a variety of fields, including smart homes, intelligent traffic management, and smart cities. IoT has broad range of applications and may be used in almost any... |
Short research paper -
Open Access
Published On: November 27, 2023 Crypto currencies are receiving a lot of attention from media due to its importance. Several papers have similar prices but some others don't, but the time complexity of those forecasts is greater, so we use an artificial intelligence-linked algorithm called the least absolute shrinkage selection... |
Conference Paper - -
Open Access
Mr. Durgesh Nandan
Published On: December 11, 2021 Internet of the Things is game changing technology that symbolizes future of the communications and computing’s. IoT is being utilized in a variety of fields, including smart homes, intelligent traffic management, and smart cities. IoT has broad range of applications and may be used in almost any... |
Conference Paper - -
Open Access
Published On: December 11, 2021 The Internets of Thing (IoT) is a promising technique that may be used to modernize a multitude of industries at a low cost. Agriculture fields are being managed or monitored automatically or with minimal human involvement using IoT based technologies. The article discusses a variety of... |
Short research paper - -
Open Access
Published On: November 27, 2023 Crypto currencies are receiving a lot of attention from media due to its importance. Several papers have similar prices but some others don't, but the time complexity of those forecasts is greater, so we use an artificial intelligence-linked algorithm called the least absolute shrinkage selection... |
Review Paper - -
Open Access
Published On: April 28, 2024 Liver malignancy as one of the major causes of deaths in people globally. The context of the cells for your liver, cancer called "liver cancer" develops. A football-sized organ called the liver is found in the upper right side of your belly, above your abdomen and beneath your pessary. The hepatic... |
Article - -
Open Access
Published On: October 26, 2020 In recent years, bankruptcy prediction has been a hot topic among the myriad of data analysts traversing across the globe so in this research paper I have presented a general framework regarding various methodologies for the prediction of bankruptcy by taking a skewed dataset and comparing it... |
Members of Editorial Board
Members of Reviewer Board
Issue 1 (2024)
Issue 2 (2024)
Issue 1 (2023)
Issue 2 (2023)
Issue 1 (2021)
Issue 2 (2021)
Mobile Computing
Conference Paper - The Role of Smartphone in The Future of Technology Ms. Anuska Sharma December 11, 2021 The usage of the Internet has expanded in recent years with the advent of the World Wide Web. In this article, we show how current advances in technology lead to the creation of a mobile code system and often mobile agents. In this connection, we... Page No : 45 - 53 |
Information Security
Conference Paper - The Cyber Bullying Preventative Measures Dr. Jitendra Kumar Singh December 11, 2021 Students' impressions of the efficacy of various harassment prevention measures were studied in this research. According to the results, the data was gathered via a countrywide electronic survey of teenagers. Depending on individual... Page No : 54 - 61 |
December 11, 2021 Nowadays, most filmmakers are aggressively promoting films that utilize social media to broaden their audience's awareness of particular films. Only a few studies have looked at marketing campaigns, social media site activity, movie appraisal, and... Page No : 62 - 69 |
Optimization and Scaling
Conference Paper - A Brief Description on Optimization Techniques Mr Madhav Singh Solanki December 11, 2021 The optimization of large-scale issues is fraught with challenges. Multi-modality, dimensionality, and differentiability are the main challenges. Traditional methods often fail to tackle such large-scale issues, particularly when the goal functions... Page No : 70 - 77 |
December 11, 2021 The abstraction of computer resources is referred to as virtualisation. The goal of a computing environment which is virtual is to enhance source efficiency with supplying users and programs with a single integrated operating platform depending upon... Page No : 78 - 85 |