Conference Paper ID : sjrbm.2025.14 | Open Access

Farmer’s attitude towards sustainable agriculture practices in Dalgaon Sailmari block of Darrang district in Assam

Biraj Saha | Maharsi Das
Submission Date : February 17, 2025 Publication Date : March 21, 2025

The study assesses the socio-economic characteristics of farmers, determine farmers' attitudes towards sustainable agriculture practices in Dalgaon-Sialmari Block. Data for the study were collected through by interview using a questionnaire method from a convenient selected sample of 87 farmers from 10 villages. The questionnaire, consisted of two parts. The first part included the independent variables, while the second part included scale to measure, the attitude of the farmers, towards sustainable agriculture practices. The findings indicated that majority of the respondents 54.02% are 30-50 years of age, 62.06% are illiterate, 56.32% has 4-7 family members, 67.8% has <2 acres of land and 47.1% has 16-26 years of farming experience. While crop rotation (429), soil and water conservation (427), application of cow dung and compost (422), sustainable agriculture for productivity of farming system (415) and farmers should be informed about sustainable agriculture practices (401) are given high attitude and over use of chemical fertilizers (399), modern agriculture (370) and planting more trees (320) are given medium attitude by the farmers. While sustainable agriculture is not economical (267) is given neutral and sustainable agriculture practices are not easy to apply (220) is given low attitude by the farmers.
Pain Text:
Biraj Saha, Maharsi Das (2025), Farmer’s attitude towards sustainable agriculture practices in Dalgaon Sailmari block of Darrang district in Assam. Samvakti Journal of Research in Business Management, 6(1) 35 - 41.